Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I Love Me Some Train

Oh, how I love me some Train! Train's new CD was released yesterday, and while I knew I would be getting it soon, what a wonderful surprise it was for Michelle to buy it for me, and give it to me last night when I got home from work. I enjoyed listening to about half of it before going to bed. Listened to some more this morning, too. It's a wonderful record.

Math class will be starting in a few minutes, then it's off to the library for a full day of research/writing. I need to continue working on my paper for Ethics class. Ethics class yesterday was really great. I was really engaged with the material, and I was able to make several good comments. Western yesterday was a little strange. It is not often that a professor can speak for 20 minutes without me understanding anything at all that was said, but that is what happened yesterday. I turned to the woman next to me and told her I was completely lost. She said she was too, asked the prof to go over what he had just said, and after he condensed it to about 3 minutes, I understood it completely. Cool.

I have an Israel meeting tomorrow. I emailed he prof yesterday to ask him if the recent Hamas election victory would interfere with the trip at all, and thankfully he said no. So, we are still a go for launch.

I hope everyone is doing well. Peace...

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"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." --Confucius