Thursday, February 09, 2006

This morning found me downloading Green Day's album "American Idiot" from iTunes. I have been listening to it for the last 30 minutes or so, and I really like it. I have never listened to much of their music before, the one exception being "Good Riddance" some years back. Therefore, I did not have a good idea of what their sound was, but I am enjoying it. Very energetic, to say the least. 3-piece bands always have unique sounds (i.e., Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Rush, ZZ Top, et al.).

I also checked out the 2006 Grammys album, and I may buy it soon. I already have some of the music from it, but there are several songs I don't have. I may do that next week.

Today, I am turning in my ethics paper that I finally finished at 11:30 last night. Also, western philosophy class should be good. We will be talking about Baruch Spinoza, who managed to simultaneously get excommunicated from Judaism, and piss off the Roman Catholic Church. Talking about predestination can do things like that. I had never read him before this class, so it is a refreshing break from the Kant-Mill cycle I have been on.

1 more day till we roll to Clarksville!


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"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." --Confucius