Thursday, February 16, 2006

I think I have finally found the iPod that I want. Apple recently filed several patent applications involving touch-screen applications, and the rumor mills are ablaze amid hopes that there will be a video iPod with a touch-screen interface. It is also possible that Apple may be working on a tablet-style laptop. Interesting stuff.

I got up early this morning to rip some of the CD's that I brought from Clarksville, and also to organize the music I got from my brother Steve. While organizing my Bad Company playlist, I accidentally hit the button that opens the iTunes store, and observed that Bad Co. released a new CD last year. In the midst of getting married, somehow I missed hearing about it. I listened to clips of several of the songs, and they sound like vintage Bad Co. This might be my next musical purchase.

I have been listening to my new Neil Young CD quite a bit, and while not on par with Harvest, or Harvest Moon, I like it nonetheless. I have also listened to some of Coldplay's X & Y, and I like it a lot. I have noticed that Nickelback's new single "Photograph" has a verse on the CD version that does not appear on the radio. I wonder why that is. The CD version clocks at 4:18, so that does not seem to be too long, but I cannot figure it out. Hmm. Anyone got any info?

We are supposed to finish Spinoza today in Western, so that will be nice. His stuff is kind of confusing, although it is easy to see why he was excommunicated from Judaism, and simultaneously pissed off the RCC.

I hope everyone is doing well. Peace...

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"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." --Confucius