Monday, October 24, 2005

What is wrong with this world?
Click here for the Longest Computer Start-Up Sound. This is hilarious.

At 3:00 today, I have a job interview. I am hoping to ditch my on-campus job for a better-paying gig somewhere else. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, I have a baseball game at Christian Brothers University. The head umpire in this area, Jim Herbert, will be there to evaluate me. This will go a long way in determining what my schedule looks like next season. Wish me luck.

I have a paper due soon in Philosophy 1. Wish me luck.

I seem to be needing a lot of luck. LOL.

I hope everyone is doing well. Peace...

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Our Jack-O-Lantern is sooo scary.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I got both of my tests back today. In Philosophy 1, I got an A, and in Philosophy 2, I got a B+. I was a little upset with myself on Philosophy 2, mainly because I did not pay attention to the instructions and cost myself an A. The instructions were to answer 1 question (yes, only one question on the entire test) from 2 different points of view. We were to answer it from Immanuel Kant's viewpoint using his Second Formulation of the Categorical Imperative, and from John Stuart Mill's point of view using Act Utilitarianism. Then were supposed to give our own opinions about the question. This is where I screwed up, because I forgot to give my own opinion!! When have I ever failed to offer my opinion?? Dare I say "Never!"? Anyway, I was so proud of absolutely NAILING Kant's and Mill's viewpoint, that I strutted up to the prof's desk and with a smile, handed in my blue book. It was a few minutes later, while on the phone with Michelle, that it occurred to me what I had forgotten. At least I only lost a few points; nothing major. Anyhow, now I will have to work extra hard to make an A for the semester. I had pegged this class as an A at the beginning of the semester. My goal is to make 3 A's and a B, which would put me on the Dean's List. That will be cool.

I hope everyone is doing well. Peace...
It feels like a Monday. Blah.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Fall Break will be officially over at 8 AM tomorrow, and it has been a ton of fun. Friday, as soon as I got out of class, we headed up to Missouri, to spend a couple of days relaxing. We had a nice dinner Friday at Lambert's Cafe. After dinner, we cruised around, listening to a high school football game on the radio. Saturday, we went to a corn maze, and had a blast. We came close to solving it twice, but had to give up. Neither of us had packed water, so we were a little dehydrated after spending over 2 hours working on the maze.

We ate at Lambert's again Saturday (given the option, I would eat there every day!), and then headed on home. We got back in time for me to see the second halfs of the Notre Dame/USC and Florida/LSU games. Flipping between those games, and the baseball playoff game was a hard work!

Tomorrow will be a busy day at school, as I will turn in a paper in Judaic Studies class, and will get back at least one, and maybe two philosophy tests. I have two philosophy classes, and it is a little difficult keeping them straight. One is at 8 AM, and the other is immediately afterward. So, I just refer to them in my mind as Philosophy 1 and 2. Simple enough.

I hope everyone is doing well. Peace...

Monday, October 17, 2005

I seem to be surrounded by paradoxes lately.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Michelle's interivew went great, although it was weird to see her on the news. Someone in one of her classes recognized her. That was strange.

This weekend is fall break, and it cannot come too soon. Mid-terms have been tough. I have one more test tomorrow, and a paper due next Wednesday. Thankfully, I have got most of my paper done. Just need to double-check a couple of things, and put my name on it.

We are going to Branson, Missouri this weekend. My favorite restaraunt in the world is there, Lambert's Throwed Roll Cafe. Michelle has never been, so I am trying to get her prepared for the insanity that is Lambert's. LOL. We are also going to visit a farm that has a corn maize and night-time golf. I have never been to a corn maze before, so it should be a lot of fun. Night golf is always great, too.

I hope everyone is doing well. Peace...

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I decorated the rear window of Michelle's car.

Monday, October 10, 2005

A major story in the news here in Memphis involves a local high school student who was forced to give oral sex to three classmates. One of the accused is a star football player (one publication has him rated the 20th best college prospect in the country). The victim decided not to press rape charges, instead agreeing to a plea bargain where the football player plead guilty to a misdemeanor assault charge. The football player was initially suspended from the team while the case was sorted out, his coach saying all along that the player should have been allowed to play. The player asked for a hearing in front of the school board, and his request was granted. Before the hearing took place, the school board decided to restore his eligibility (without a hearing).

Michelle got really upset about the situation, and sent an email the School Board, and to one of the local news stations. The School Board member who represents the high school where the girl and football player attend was quoted in the newspaper as saying, "I don't really want to get involved", said in an email that she "does not feel [the football player] is guilty of rape. So, the School Board member is under fire, and Michelle is pissed. The news station called Michelle earlier today, and arranged an interview. The interview is going to air on the news tonight at 6.

When this thing first started, I had horrific visions of Michelle staging a sit-in, and being arrested. I had a vision of her being dragged, against her will, across a street. So, I am glad that it has not gone that far. I also feel extremely proud of Michelle for standing up for what she believes, and voicing her opinion. I told her that many people who may share her opinion may not have the courage to speak up, so that she is speaking for them. Hoorah!! The first amendment is in action in the Winn household!!


Friday, October 07, 2005

If Einstein was so smart, why didn't he figure out the speed of dark?

Thursday, October 06, 2005

I have been exploring my new iBook for most of the day (I suppose I should get some work done at some point). Anyway, I have been having fun learning a bunch of new shortcuts and commands and things. I am really enjoying the iBook, and it makes me wish I had switched a long time ago. This Saturday at the Apple store, there is going to be a class for new converts. It should be a lot of fun.

I also have a new webpage. I will keep this blog active, but to see some other stuff from my worldview, please go to my page on .Mac. I have posted some of my writings, and some of my favorite pictures from the wedding. The original purpose of my getting on the web was to post some writings and papers and such, and now I finally have gotten around to doing it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.

I hope everyone is doing well.


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

My new Apple iBook came tonight. I did not know it was here until about 9:30, when I got a call from the apartment office saying they had a package. I wish they had called earlier, when it came. Oh well.

I am disappointed that the previous owner did not clean up the hard drive--it still has all his junk on it. I would like to just reformat the hard drive, but he did not include the CD's. So, if he cannot produce them when I speak with him tomorrow, I will just have to remove everything piecemeal. Joy. Since I have no classes tomorrow, I can play around with it most of the day.

I hope everyone is doing well. Peace...

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Apparently, Kenneth needs an English tutor as well.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

A man wearing a hunting t-shirt at the zoo seems paradoxical.

"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." --Confucius