Monday, October 10, 2005

A major story in the news here in Memphis involves a local high school student who was forced to give oral sex to three classmates. One of the accused is a star football player (one publication has him rated the 20th best college prospect in the country). The victim decided not to press rape charges, instead agreeing to a plea bargain where the football player plead guilty to a misdemeanor assault charge. The football player was initially suspended from the team while the case was sorted out, his coach saying all along that the player should have been allowed to play. The player asked for a hearing in front of the school board, and his request was granted. Before the hearing took place, the school board decided to restore his eligibility (without a hearing).

Michelle got really upset about the situation, and sent an email the School Board, and to one of the local news stations. The School Board member who represents the high school where the girl and football player attend was quoted in the newspaper as saying, "I don't really want to get involved", said in an email that she "does not feel [the football player] is guilty of rape. So, the School Board member is under fire, and Michelle is pissed. The news station called Michelle earlier today, and arranged an interview. The interview is going to air on the news tonight at 6.

When this thing first started, I had horrific visions of Michelle staging a sit-in, and being arrested. I had a vision of her being dragged, against her will, across a street. So, I am glad that it has not gone that far. I also feel extremely proud of Michelle for standing up for what she believes, and voicing her opinion. I told her that many people who may share her opinion may not have the courage to speak up, so that she is speaking for them. Hoorah!! The first amendment is in action in the Winn household!!


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"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." --Confucius