Monday, August 06, 2007

For the few of you that may still check this blog, you will have noticed that it has been a long time since I have posted anything other than the occasional photograph. Things are just so insanely busy around the house that on the rare occasion that I bring my laptop home from work, I hardly ever turn it on. I feel a little guilty about blogging at work, since that is not what I am paid to do, so I have had a difficult time figuring out what I want to do. I have been considering abandoning the blog altogether; I just do not know right now. The funny thing is that I constantly find myself in interesting situations thinking, "I should post about this." I just never do.

My sister is making an offer on a house today! I hope she gets it for the price she wants. Michelle and I are looking for a house here in the Memphis area, and we are having problems similar to Jessica's in that we cannot find the perfect house in the perfect neighborhood that is perfectly convienient to where we need to be. Wish us luck. Since the first day we moved to memphis, we have flip-flopped on whether to stay long-term. At this point, we are thinking of staying at least semi-long-term.

I am in the very early stages of forming a band. I have a violinist, flute/piccolo player, a clarinet player, my fledgling guitar, and possibly a drummer. We are looking for a singer or two. The band's name is "The Flying Lysosomes". It should be a lot of fun.

Alex weighed in the other day at 8 lbs., 7 oz. He is growing like crazy, mainly because he never stops eating...LOL. He is learning to hold his head up, and can smile and frown when either is appropriate. He is truly a blessing.

Football scrimmages have started, and the regular season is not too far away. My varsity schedule is coming in piece-by piece, and it is looking good. I am expecting to have a great season. I missed most of baseball this year, so it has been nice to be back on the field again. Although, the pre-season is also called the the "free-season" since we do not get paid for scrimmages. The worst thing in the world is to be working for free, and having some idiot coach screaming in my ear. Fortunatley, most coaches leave us alone in the scrimmages, since they are more worried about coaching their players than the officials...LOL. I did have one idiot screamer-type coach last week that made for a miserable day, especially since it was almost 100 degrees outside. And it was on a Saturday. Anyway, no big deal. I have a scrimmage this Friday night, and it should be a lot better.

I hope everyone is doing well. Peace...


Anonymous said...

Still waiting for a router :)

Jessica said...

Aww, don't leave your blog! It'll be nice to have such a record of Alex growing up. :)

Also, what kind of music are you going to play in your newly formed band?

Chris Winn said...

I just want a router that works. I have only had one good one in my life, and I sold it with my Dell laptop (***crying***).

I'd like the blog to serve as a record of him growin up, but I just never seem to be able to post. I will try to do better.


Chris Winn said...

As far as the band goes, we don't really know what we will play or how we will sound. We have not even jammed together yet; we just talked about playing together and decided to form a band. I anticipate that we might end up being a pop/rock/spiritual/political/protest/ "change the world" type thing.

The name of the band is "The Flying Lysosomes".

"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." --Confucius