Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Wired Magazine, one of my favorite reads, set up a Flikr account where geeks could submit pictures of themselves in their best Halloween costumes. I suggested to my sister Jessica that she submit something, since she always has great costumes. Hers was voted one of the best, and is posted here. That is so cool!

We got our tests back in Philosophy of Religion today, and I was relieved to have done pretty well (B+). I was the first person to finish the test, which has never happened before in my life. I am normally one of the very last people to finish a test, so I was kind of freaked out. Cool.

This Friday, Memphis Theological Seminary is having an Inquirer's day, which is a day for future and potential future students to explore the campus. Sounds like a great excuse to skip class. I am looking forward to it.

Michelle and I were disappoint that we had ZERO trick-or-treaters come to our door. Say what? Unbelievable. Anyway, we had rented a completely horrible horror movie from the '80s, and sort of enjoyed watching it. Horror movies were, in general, horrible in the '80s, and the one we chose did not disappoint.

I am still working on getting a picture taken of Michelle's car, but the weather here has been dreadful and I do not like taking my camera out in the rain. We decided to name the car Thebe, who was a nymph and the daughter of the river god Asopus. Thebe (THEE-bee) is also the fourth closest satellite (moon) of Jupiter.

We are looking forward to spending Thanksgiving in Tullahoma. We should have a great time. I am looking forward to doing some maintenance on the Thebe with her dad.

I hope everyone is doing well. Peace...

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"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." --Confucius