Michelle snapped some new pictures this morning, so we hope you enjoy them.
It has been interesting to monitor Alex's neighbors in the NICU. When he was first admitted, his neighbor was a baby named Terrance. Terrance was also born on the 19th, and he was also premature. Alex stayed in that bed for a few days, then he moved across the room. His neighbor became Whitman, who was born 11 weeks early, and had already been there about 4 weeks. While we were neighbors with Whitman, we became friendly with his parents. When things settle down, I think we will try to go out to dinner with them. Whitman went home on Memorial day, so Alex waved goodbye...LOL. Then, Terrance was moved into the spot Whitman had vacated, and he stayed there several days. Today, Terrance was moved somewhere else, and a girl moved in. I do not know what her name is.
Michelle and I adopted an attitude on the first day that we would encourage all the parents of children in the NICU. It seems that we are all in the same boat, so Michelle and I root for the other kids to get to go home.
I attended an iMovie workshop today at the Apple store. iMovie is the application that allows a user to edit and manipulate home videos, and turn them into entertaining movies. I am working on the footage I shot of Alex's birth. I think it will turn out great.
I hope everyone is doing well. Peace...
I love the one of you giving him a kiss. You should frame that one. :)
LOL...great minds must think alike...Michelle framed that one, and it now sits on my desk at work.
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