Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Alex is 1 month old today. He has already grown and changed so much, it is incredible. He looks more like Michelle now than when he was first born. He still has his red hair like me, though :)

I had some family passing through town on Saturday. My grandparents, and my ubcle Don and aunt Lana Jo were on their way to Hot Springs, Arkansas, and stopped for a while to visit. Alex enjoyed being held by his great-granny.

The morning of my first Father's Day as a father was spent at the E.R. We were worried that Alex was not eating enough, since he had been taking about 70-80 cc's at the hospital and had dropped down to only about 25 cc's at home. Turns out it was "user error" on the part of the parents. Every time he would make a sound, we would jump on him with a bottle. As a result, we were not giving him enough time to get hungry, so he would not eat much. After some instruction from the doctors and nurses, we now have him on a 4-hour eating schedule. We also have become better at burping him, which allows him to eat more. So, he is doing really well now. Growing like a weed.

Alex and I enjoyed watching the U.S. Open this weekend. I heard him say, "Tiger good, Mickelson bad." He is maturing so quickly, it's almost unbelievable ;).

Michelle's mom (henceforth, "Grammy") has been here since Sunday afternoon, and has been a godsend. She has helped out so much, it is crazy. Unfortunately, she has to leave tomorrow. Something about her son getting married in a couple of weeks. Hopefully, we will be able to make it to the wedding. I am not sure if Alex is up for traveling.

We had a appointment at the pediatrician yesterday, and after that we took Alex by the church where I work. The ladies in the office have been wanting to see him, and they were overjoyed while he visited. The volunteer who worked today was a little jealous...LOL.

My parents are coming to visit Thursday. It will be nice to see them again. My dad tried to act like they were coming to visit us, but I told him I realize that Alex is the star of the show now...LOL.

My brother Tim called me Sunday night to wish me a happy Father's day. We had a great conversation, and he gave me some good advice. My friend Mike Clark, who has four kids, has experienced several Father's Days, and is a great father to his kids. Both those guys inspire me.

I hope everyone is doing well. Peace...

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"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." --Confucius