Thursday, May 26, 2005

OK, so I guess that cancellation thing did not last long.

A couple of weeks ago, I was asked to preach at the Clarksville church on June 5th, while the minister is on vacation. Without hesitating, I said "yes", then thought, "Oh, crap! What have I gotten myself into?" The ladies of the church where I work are giving Michelle a shower that day, and I am supposed to go with Mike Clark to a Sounds game. Plus, the idea of preaching at the church where I grew up makes me REAL nervous. In fact, when I first answered the call to the ministry, I decided early on that I would never preach there. The whole thing about a prophet not being accepted in his own land and all (not that I am a prophet or anything, but you get the idea). So, please pray for me.

Michelle recently graduated from college, and I am SO proud of her. She has decided to go to grad school at Memphis, with an eye towards becoming an elementary school teacher. We are really excited.

I am registered for classes this fall, and I am really excited. Michelle was in a used book store a couple of weeks ago, and picked up a couple of philosophy books she thought I would be interested in. Turns out, I need that book for one of my classes. She paid 50 cents for it!! Cool.

I am going to go for now, but I am going to start posting again. Probably with veracity. Peace...


e said...

:) Good luck preaching in your home church! It'll be ok, though, don't worry about it.


Chris Winn said...

Thanks so much. Peace.

"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." --Confucius