Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Sunday was Alex's 3-month birthday! May 19 seems like yesterday...

Yesterday, he saw the pediatrician, and checked out fine. He is now in the 20th percentile for weight, and 25th percentile for length. Last month, he was around the 10th percentile for both. So, he is improving every day. That's good. He got a couple of shots, so he has been a little grumpy. Not nearly as bad as last month, though, when he got 5 shots.

My grandmother is coming to visit this weekend. Alex told me yesterday that he is very excited about being rocked by his great-granny. He will have a lot fun, for sure.

Michelle and I continue to look at houses. One might be surprised at how difficult it is to find the perfect house in the perfect neighborhood, which is located in the perfect part of town. So, we continue to search.

I found a drummer for my band, now we just need a singer. It will be later in the fall before any of us can work on anything together, so we are not really in a hurry. I am reminded that in the late 70's, Steve Perry was a singer without a band, while Neil Schon and Ross Valory had a band without a singer. Perry and the band both had the same manager, so Perry was brought into the band, which was called Journey. As I remember, they had a decent ballad or two...LOL.

Classes start for Michelle and I one week from today. I suppose I am ready, although I have one more book I'd like to read before summer is over. I highly doubt if I will get to it, though. Oh well. I am taking Christian Ethics, Christian Ministry, and the Acts of the Apostles. My Acts class is taught by my New Testament professor from last semester, who was one of my favorite. All three classes should be exciting, and I think it will be a great semester.

Football is ramping up, as scrimmage games have given way to jamborees. The regular season is fast approaching. I suppose I am now officially a Head Linesman. In years past, I have worked about equally as a Line Judge and a Head Linesman, but this year I am a Head Linesman in every game on my schedule. The schedule is fluid, and is subject to change, but it's interesting to note nonetheless. If you happen to be watching a football game on TV, the Head Linesman is the guy who stands at the line of scrimmage, on the far side of the field from the pressbox (this is almost always the visiting team's side). His primary responsibility is to be in charge of the chain crew. The Line Judge is the guy on the line of scrimmage on the near side, which is almost always the home team's side. The Line Judge has to run a lot more, because he is expected to spot the ball much more frequently, but the Head Linesman has more of headache trying to keep the chain crew straight. It's a bit of a promotion to be a Head Linesman, so I am OK with it. I just need to replace all my t-shirts that say, "Line Judge"...LOL.

Jaime Davis-Shockley, and old friend from Clarksville, has moved to Memphis. She is studying at the UT Pharmacy School here. Michelle and I are going to hook up with her soon to show her the sights. That will be fun.

I hope everyone is doing well. Peace...

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"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." --Confucius