We visited Alex twice today. This morning, heart rate slowed down momentarily, then resumed back to normal. We had been told that Alex does this several times a day, but this was the first time it had happened while we were there. So, naturally, we freaked. We know it's nothing to worry about. It usually happens while he is feeding, due to some reflux.
Tonight, he took Michelle's breast for the first time. We saw this as a major step forward for him. Not only did he take it, but he took it like an old veteran. He also took the pacifier for the first time. So, obviously, we were majorly excited! I also got to do "kangaroo care" for over an hour. This is where he lies on my bare chest, skin on skin. The purpose of this is that it puts him in a deep sleep, which helps with brain development and growth. That will help him put on weight.
I had another guitar lesson today, which was a lot of fun. I had not touched any of my guitars in the past week, so it was great to play again. I started learning Tom Petty's "Free Falling", and "Learning to Fly".
I plan on going back to work for a few hours tomorrow. It will be nice to get back into the swing of things.
I hope everyone is doing well. Peace...
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