Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Last night's timeline:

8:35 PM

Me: Hey Michelle, I'm out of class now, and heading home. I called to see if you needed anything.

Her: No, I'm fine.

Me: OK, see you in a while.

9:30 PM

Her: I sure would like a hot dog from Sonic. Will you go get one? Also, we are out of milk, so we have nothing for breakfast in the morning.

Me: Uh, remember that phone call a while ago? I was calling to see if you needed anything.

Her: Yeah, but I didnt know we were out of milk. And I wasn't hungry then.

9:45 PM

Her: I want a hot dog from Sonic. Please go get one.

9:55 PM

Her: I want a hot dog from Sonic. Please go get one. Please.


Me: Boy, I sure am tired. It's been a long day. It feels good to be in bed, and have my eyes closed. I'll be asleep in 5 minutes.

Her: Please go get me a hot dog from Sonic. Please.

10:10 PM

Her: Please go get me a hot dog from Sonic. Please.

Me: OK.

Her: I love you so much. I love you. I love you.

Me: I wish your love was based on faith instead of works. It's easier to get to heaven than to be married to a pregnant woman.


(Quoting Proverbs) It's better to sleep on the roof than in the house with an angry wife.

11:35 PM

Me: Boy, I sure am tired. It's been a long day. It feels good to be in bed, and have my eyes closed. I'll be asleep in 5 minutes.

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"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." --Confucius