My beloved Xanthos is officially for sale. Michelle and I have been shopping for a new vehicle for a while, because we will be needing something that can hold a car seat. Michelle was also wanting something with 4 doors (not 4 wheel drive). We looked at several Camrys and Accords, then I mentioned in passing that I had an Intrepid as a company car for a while, and enjoyed it. Once she got a look at one, she loved it. So, earlier this week, we reached an agreement-in-principle to purchase a 2000 Dodge Intrepid. Thursday, we sealed the deal. Hence, we no longer have the need for the truck.
We are enjoying the Intrepid. I went to the county clerk's office Friday and got it registered and applied for the title. Thankfully, the line moved well and did not take too long. We cleaned it up today, but ran out of Daylight before we could take a picture. I will try to post one soon. I have inherited Michelle's old Explorer, and she will be driving the Intrepid. It will be nice to have a place to store my baseball gear next year. And having air conditioning will be great, given the oppressive Memphis heat.
Friday night, I had a football game at Houston high school, who played White Station. These are two of the best teams in the area, so it was nice to have a close game. I was the clock operator, which was fine until there were about 3:00 left in the fourth quarter, and my on/off switch stopped working. Normally, the clock operator is stationed on the sideline, and he follows the line of scrimmage. But with my switch broken, I had to run up to the press box as quickly as I could. I ran over two cheerleaders and one grandmother, but I think everybody was OK...LOL.
The people that Michelle used to nanny for celebrated their anniversary this weekend by going out of town, so we watched the boys yesterday and today. They weren't too much trouble, so we had fun. Yesterday afternoon (after my morning football games), we went to a family farm in Hernando, MS, and had great fun. The kids enjoyed the petting zoo and the inflatables. It was nice to be out in the sunshine, too. Next weekend, Michelle and I are going to go back there and enjoy the haunted hayride. That should be much fun.
The kids have a tradition where their dad goes out on Sunday mornings and gets doughnuts, so I took over that role today. Joy. The rest of the morning, I tinkered with the Intrepid, putting on new wipers and stuff. I took the younger boy with me to Lowe's and Advanced Auto Parts, and we had a good time. I was glad to give Michelle a bit of a break.
Tomorrow, I have two football games, which will in all likelihood my last two games of the year. I was supposed to have a varsity game this Friday, but after I was late to that middle school game a few weeks ago, it was taken away from me. Since that's the last week of the season, there will nothing more. Kind of a sorry-ass way to end the season, but there is nothing I can do about it now. Oh well.
I hope everyone is doing well. Peace...
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