Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Today has not been a productive day. Somehow, I made it both of my classes, but beyond that, I have not gotten much done. Tomorrow will certainly be better.

In fact, I have a debate in my ethics class tomorrow. My team will be arguing in favor of embryonic stem cell research. I will be helping with my team's defense (providing counter-arguments), and giving the closing remarks. It should be a lot of fun.

I also have a paper due in ethics class next Tuesday. Need to get started on that. Not to mention the exam this Friday in Spanish. Joy.

I have also been working on my seminary application. Still.

My sister has successfully moved to Nashville (click on the link to her blog for her account of that). I am excited that she is beginning her career. I am sure that she will do great!

I find myself thinking every day about how our son has yet to be born. Somewhere in Vietnam, there is a young woman, with no support system, who is pregnant and scared. She likely is poor and alone, wondering what to do. It blows me away that God will place the child she bears into our care. Only with our prayers and His guidance will Michael grow up to be the best he can be. This just blows my mind.

I hope everyone is doing well. Peace...

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"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." --Confucius