Saturday, March 05, 2005

Last night, Michelle and I went to see James Cameron's new film, "Aliens of the Deep", in IMAX 3D. We had tried to see it once before, but the projector broke during the first preview. This time, it went off without a hitch.

I remember reading an article several years ago where an astronaut said that after he had seen the earth from outer space, he could not understand how anyone could not believe it God. During the film last night, that thought kept reverberating through my mind. To know that there is life at over 3,000 feet below the surface of the ocean is mind-boggling. How do creatures live in icy-cold water, mere inches from volcanic plumes shooting out gases at incredibly high temperatures? I dunno. The thesis of the film seemed to be "Before we start seeking other life forms on other planets, let's research what we have here on earth." I sort of agree with that, although Leif Eriksson and Christopher Columbus would have never made it out of their harbors if they had adopted that mantra. Explorers explore; that is that they do.

Anyway, it was an incredible film, and I am glad we could see it together. When we go to Boston, we are going on a whale-watching tour, and afterward we are going to see an IMAX film. I am not sure what it will be, but I hope it will be something scientific like what we saw last night.

The last couple of days have been "car days", meaning I have been doing a lot of work on my truck. I have installed a new fuel filter, PCV valve, changed the oil, and installed 5 new spark plugs. The reason I only installed 5 plugs in a 6-plug engine is that neither Steve not I could get the 6th plug out of its socket. It is at a really weird angle, almost impossible to reach. Even after we got our wrench on it, it was seized up and would not move. So, I am going to go to a shop and see how much it costs to remove 1 spark plug. Jeez.

I really enjoyed working on the truck, and I am glad I got a lot done. Next week, I am going to flush the coolant system. It desperately needs it. After that, I think I will be in good shape for summer. Except that I need new tires. Oh well, there is always something to do.

My sermon for Sunday is complete, although every time I look at it, I tweak it a little. I am never really satisfied with any of my sermons--I am my own worst critic. I hope it turns out OK. Hopefully, it won't be too long. Last time, I had some complaints about the length. Everyone wants to beat the Baptists to the restaurants, so anything past noon and people start getting nervous.

Monday, I have a game at Cumberland University in Lebanon. Tennessee, not Middle East. LOL. Actually, this is a make-up game of the game that got rained out last Monday. Except that it is supposed to rain again. Oh well, we will see how it goes. Hopefully, the rain will hold off. Tuesday, I have a middle school game, then Thursday I have a game at Motlow. Friday, we leave for the retreat. I am giving the sermon on Friday night, so I need to go ahead and finish it up soon. I think I will work on that in a while.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Peace...

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"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." --Confucius