Monday, October 25, 2004

Several years ago, I read an article in a car magazine in which the author was discerning the differences between "car" guys and "non-car" guys. One of the points at issue was how two people would assess a muffler that is dragging the ground. The author said that if a "non-car" guy suspected his muffler was dragging the ground, he would get out of his car, look under the car, and say to himself, "Hmm. My muffler is dragging the ground". A "car guy" would get out his car, climb underneath the car and say, "Hmm. My muffler is dragging the ground". Earlier tonight, whilst driving to the library, I started to get the feeling that my muffler may have been dragging the ground. So, I got out of the truck, climbed underneath it, and said to myself, "Hmm. My muffler is dragging the ground". LOL. My muffler has a lifetime warranty, so until I can get to Midas, I will be riding in true redneck fashion, with my muffler being held in place by two wire coat hangers. I just hope that Joan Crawford, subject of the 1981 movie "Mommie Dearest", doesn't start beating me for using wire hangers. LOL.

Unbelievable, the Red Sox have won the first two games after making 4 errors in each game. The only thing worse than the Sox defense is the Cardinals pitching. Can the Sox snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, like they have done so many times in the past? I dunno. I just know that they are on a roll. If Schilling can reach deep down into his soul and get another win, the Sox will win as well.


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"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." --Confucius