This afternoon, we went to a ceremony in which Michelle was initiated into Kappa Delta Pi, an International Honor Society of Educators. It was a great ceremony, and I was glad that she decided to join. She is working hard to become a great teacher, and I am so proud of her.
With the news that she is pregnant, we have put away all our adoption books, and have taken out all our pregnancy books that we had put away when we decided to adopt. We are really still in "shock mode", because this was not supposed to happen. But, reality is quickly settling in, and we are getting ready.
We had lunch yesterday at a Cracker Barrel not far from here, and when I noticed the couple next to us had an infant in tow, I struck up a conversation. Turns out their pediatrician is one that we were considering, and they gave a great recommendation. Cool.
In our conversations with our families, it is apparent that everyone is really excited for us. We appreciate all the love and support that we are getting; it means a lot to us. Thanks to all of you.
We are looking forward to Tuesday, because we are seeing Journey and Def Leppard in concert together here in Memphis. Michelle has seen Journey before, and I have seen Def Leppard, but neither of us has seen both bands. So, to get to see them both in the same night will be ultra cool. Since this is part of my birthday gift to Michelle (her birthday is November 16), I splurged a little and got seats up close. We will have a ton of fun.
I have a test in Astronomy in Thursday, so I will be spending time this week getting ready for that.
I hope everyone is doing well. Peace...